Pizza is in the oven. Can finally sit down and relax for ten minutes.

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I got my 🍕 dough dough risin'. Forgot to say that I feed my yeast with malt extract rather than sugar…

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Proving my yeast, and mixing pasta flour with semolina flour, strong white bread flour, dark rye flour (first time I’ve tried this), salt and olive oil.🍕

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Making pizza today, so defrosting some fresh yeast. Meantime, it’s breakfast. Egg and home fries for me. Weetabix for the little one, and bagel for the big one. Big one is in the bathroom feeling nauseous because of the smell of smoked paprika.

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Wife is eating fish and chips while watching Korean soap on her tablet, while our little one sits on my knee eating chips and watching Sesame Street on TV. Big one is fully immersed in Minecraft.

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Kids did these paintings with Mum this morning while I had a lie-in.

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Early lunch with my little one. Pie, chips and mushy peas!

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Strong smell of tar blowing in from the asphalt plant to the west of us.

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…trying to capture the essence of your life in a form that can be experienced by another, is one of the most interesting technological challenges in the world. Venkatesh Rao

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In my work email. As part of our Corporate and Social Responsibility, we are running a digital poverty mission to “Connect The UK”. We have already purchased 40,000 brand new Tactus GeoBook laptops and have donated over £2.5 million in device discounts. These laptops come fully loaded with Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Education, a 3 year warranty and are discounted to just £84 per device. They’re £80 each on Amazon.

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Lock steps and towpath.

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This tree is broken and falling into the water.

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Glad I don’t have to decorate this tree.

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Useful information and advice. Microblogging on the fediverse, leaving twitter to rot? cubicgarden.comIan Forrester

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Some beautiful trees at my son’s school.

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I added a few finely chopped and fried onion pieces to my home fries for brunch. Must remember to try using smoked paprika next time.

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Morning from hell, sat in a car for four hours.

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Search the people you follow on Twitter for possible Mastodon/Fediverse accounts. I forgot the link! Thanks @pruvisto for such a nice tool. Evan Prodromou

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My eight year old has watched so many US kids' TV shows that he now self-identifies as American.

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With the Prince of ActivityPub’s return to the fold, I can sense a #tinap reunion in the air…

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Feels like a lot of effort just to make a cup of coffee.

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I’m about to eat a yum yum.

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Muskovite Twitter’s demise is imminent. Everyone’s go-to Twitter-alternative place of refuge Mastodon is swamped with an invasion of Tweeters seeking a better life. What better time for a reprise of Pump Dot IO?

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I reported an abandoned car to my housing association. It’s been left in our little communal car park since the middle of last month, taking up a neighbour’s parking space. It’s got no tax or MOT. I previously reported it to the police, who got back to me to say “it’s not of interest” to them, and to my local council, who have apparently done nothing. Presumably because it’s not classed as being on a public road.

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Is this thing on?

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