More evidence, should you need it, that in the last 50 years capitalism has disproportionately advantaged the top 10% of earners (and we also know that within that top 10% there is a further division between the richest - the top 1% - and the rest).

In the last 50 years the reductions in inequality of the post-1945 period have been reversed confirming that the governance & regulation of capitalism after 1945 to make it more generally beneficial was a blip not a trend

#capitalism #economics

Chart: Middle & lower earners struggle to keep up. Real disposable income in advanced economies by income position (1985 = 100)
<p>top 10% has risen over period to over 160;
for the bottom 20-40% & the median earner, earning have risen to around 135-139;
for the bottom 10%, from 100-120." loading=“lazy”></p><footer>- <a,