@Denny Similar here in the UK, of course. The UK Labour Party has deliberately moved to the right to win the ruling Conservative Party votes in the upcoming General Election. The whole political spectrum has moved so far to the right over the past forty years (and especially it seems in the last fifteen) that the UK Left is now more right wing than Margaret Thatcher!
I work from home, but when I have to go to the office, I have to clamber over homeless people and their beds to get in. Yet in our economically deprived and overcrowded town, there are tens of thousands of new homes being built, none affordable to local people, and many of which remain empty once sold to "investors" (money launderers?) in the Gulf states and China. The developers of these new homes reward themselves with annual dividends of tens of millions of pounds, the company annual profits are half a billion or more. They have a "compulsory volunteering" scheme for their staff who raise tens of thousands on sponsored activities to give to the local homeless charity... based out of the same building where my office is.
The official police advice is "don't help the homeless people, walk on by", while they aggressively move them on (in some cases even trashing their possessions).