Category: Microposts
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Our local incinerators were burning wooden pallets and melamine-coated wood particle fibreboard (MDF), and likely also any old plastic rubbish they chucked in.
Thick black smoke and foul burning plastic odours we suffered for years.
The two wood-burning incinerators around the corner from our home appear to be no longer in use. One is is covered by corrugated sheets and scaffolding (prior to dismantling?), the other area is clean and relatively tidy.
Solidarity with all teachers today, especially those striking for better pay.
Eight year old is at home, and refusing to practice for his spelling test tomorrow because he doesn’t want to be a scab.
‘…financial liberalisation, mortgage reform and lack of investment in the existing building stock has transformed English homes into crumbling vehicles for the accumulation of wealth.’
We need more than new homes - Positive Money