Save Ealing’s Children’s Centres

Actions we can all do:

SIGN THE PETITION - Over 1,000 neighbours already have. Every signature shows our community’s strength.

SPEAK UP BY 27 APRIL - Tell the Council closing 13 centres is unacceptable. Fill in the online consultation.

CONTACT COUNCILLOR JOSH BLACKER - Your personal stories matter. Tell him how these centres support your family.

Template email. Please personalise to make it more powerful, or better still write your own!

VISIT YOUR LOCAL CENTRE - Show it’s valued. Bring neighbours who might not know what’s at stake.

Why This Matters To Everyone

• Your children lose vital services - health support, parenting help, and early learning will disappear from your neighbourhood

• Hardest hit: families who can least afford it - longer journeys, more costs, and fewer services for those already struggling

• Growing population, fewer services - Ealing’s population is increasing while services are being cut

• Your voice matters - especially if English isn’t your first language or you live in an affected area